Rochford District Council has prepared a number of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) as part of the plan making process. The purpose of SPDs is to provide additional advice and guidance in the determination of planning applications. Additional SPDs may be prepared, where it is appropriate, to help with decision making.
Adopted SPDs
A number of SPDs were adopted on 11 January 2007 and came into effect on 5 February 2007. They were subject to a five-week consultation period, running from 29 September until 3 November 2006. These SPDs, and other relevant information, can be downloaded below:
SPD 8 – Rural Settlement Areas ceased to be extant upon adoption of the Development Management Plan in December 2014. The Development Management Plan supersedes the remaining policies in the Replacement Local Plan (2006) after which no policies remain in the Development Plan supporting rural settlement areas.
Committee Reports and Consultation Responses
Adoption Statement
SPD Notice - Statement of Fact
Statement of Compliance
The following SPDs have been adopted since 2010 and can be downloaded below:
Essex Planning Officers Association (EPOA) have updated and approved new 2024 parking guidance for new development. This guidance was produced by a review group comprising representatives of Essex County Council and a number of Local Authorities within Essex. The guide is intended to be applied across Essex, including Rochford District. It was approved by Members at Planning Policy Committee on 16th January 2025. This replaces the earlier (2010) Essex Parking Standards used previously.
This guidance looks at solutions to accommodate parking for a range of vehicles – powered and unpowered, and proposes a level of provision which balance demand/provision with the need to create quality public/private spaces.
The 2024 guidance is split into two parts:
- Part 1 – for most development applications across Essex - this guidance provides the foundations for part 2.
- Part 2 – for Garden Communities and Large Scale Developments – this part is focused on outcomes for sustainable growth to create quality places.
- This guidance is accompanied by a connectivity tool spreadsheet (Excel document)
The new guidance provides :
- An assessment of the developments location and connectivity services by sustainable transport – in very high/high connectivity areas a lower level of parking can be provided
- Minimum level of provision in all cases except for one bedroom apartments in highly connected locations
- Greater level of information on electric vehicle charging
- Updated cycle parking guidance including a range of cycle types
- Updated enforcement guidance
- Updated layout design guidance especially landscaping
- Standards table aligned to latest land use classes
- A more progressive approach to Garden Communities and Large Scale Developments linking together local data, connectivity, provision of services and sustainable transport measures
- Opportunity over time to repurpose parking if demand is less than expected
Playing Pitch Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (Adopted 17 April 2012) – View the guidance on the provision of formal open space and playing pitches which replaces SPD3 – Playing Pitch Strategy. This SPD presents the findings of the assessments undertaken for playing pitch provision (senior/ junior/ mini football, cricket, rugby and hockey). The document proposes a number of recommendations and potential solutions for the issues it identifies. The analysis and recommendations in the strategy will also help support the future planning policy and allocation of playing pitches. Other relevant documents can be downloaded below: Playing Pitch Strategy SPD Committee Report and Consultation Summary The Playing Pitch Strategy SPD was consulted on between 14 November 2011 and 16 January 2012. To view the 2011 consultation document and comments made, please contact the Planning Policy Team. |
Local List Supplementary Planning Document (Adopted 17 December 2013) – View the document that identifies Local Heritage Assets (LHAs) of local importance which are considered to merit additional protection through the planning system. It offers advice and guidance on the implementation of Core Strategy Policy CP3 rather than providing new policies.Other relevant documents can be downloaded below:Local List SPD Consultation Statement Local List SPD Adoption Statement Local List SPD Committee Report The Local List SPD is the result of two stages of consultation. The first involved consultation with the Senior Consultant, Historic Buildings Place Services Shaping Place, at Essex County Council as well as Parish and Town Councils on the content of the consultation document. This was followed by formal public consultation between 7 February and 6 May 2011. For background detail on the consultation, please refer to the 2011 Local List SPD: Discussion and Consultation Document. |
Essex Coast RAMS SPD - View the guidance on how the impacts of housing growth on recreational disturbance to habitats sites will be managed through the planning processOther relevant documents can be downloaded below:Essex Coast RAMS Consultation Report Essex Coast RAMS SPD Adoption Statement |
Contact Us
If you need more information on the Supplementary Planning Documents, please contact the Planning Policy team on 01702 318191 or email us using this form