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Information on how well the District is performing against key indicators and the mix of uses in the District’s town and village centres

Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)

The Council monitors key indicators and publishes a report on a regular basis which sets out how well the District is performing against these indicators.

Authority Monitoring Report

S106 payments

Section 106 (S106) Agreements are legal agreements between local authorities and developers, linked to planning permissions. They are used to mitigate the impact of development on local communities and infrastructure. 

The table in Related Content shows a record of S106 payments received by Rochford District Council. These payments relate to income directly attributable to this Authority as well as income where the authority acts as “banker” on behalf of the NHS, to be released at an agreed date for healthcare requirements.

The Council charge the developer a monitoring fee of £445.00 plus VAT per item.

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) is an annual measurement of housing delivery to assess the extent to which each local authority is building enough homes to meet their housing need, as determined by Central Government. In 2020, as required by national policy, the Council prepared a Housing Delivery Test Action Plan to explore the causes of housing under-delivery over the previous three years and to identify actions to improve delivery in future years.

Infrastructure Funding Statement

The Council has published an Infrastructure Funding Statement for the period 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022. This statement provides a summary of the planning obligations imposed, received and spent in this period.

The statement is linked from Related Content.