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Election of new Chairman for Rochford District Council


Rochford District Council can now confirm that their new Chairman for the period May 2024 to May 2025 will be Councillor Sarah-Jane Page.

Councillor Sarah-Jane Page represents Trinity ward and has been a member of Rochford District Council since 2023 and served as Vice Chairman of the Council for the 2023/24 Civic Year. Councillor Page has lived and worked in the District for over 30 years, where she has raised and educated her family.

Chairman Councillor Sarah-Jane Page, said: "Taking on this role is such an immense privilege and honour and I'm very much looking forward to my year as Chairman of this Council and our amazing District. I thank all Councillors again for their support, trust and confidence in me as your new Chairman and First Citizen."

Councillor Page will be supported during her Civic Year by Foulness & The Wakerings member, Councillor Jo McPherson, who was appointed as Vice Chairman of the Council for the same period.

These appointments were made during Rochford District Council’s meeting of Annual Council on Tuesday 21 May.

Every year, the incoming Chairman nominates one or more charities which they will promote and raise money for during their time. Councillor Sarah-Jane Page, has announced the charity she is supporting during her time in office will be Equal Opportunities Performing Arts. 

Equal Opportunities performing arts is part of the Mushroom Theatre, which was set up in 2004, with the express aim of promoting the social and therapeutic benefits of the Performing Arts, alongside the aim of creating a fully inclusive company for the community.

For more information about the Chairman and Vice Chairman, or if you would like to invite them to your local event, please visit our dedicated Chairman page.