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Planning Enforcement Policy

The planning enforcement team is an integral part of the Development Management department and its responsibility is to investigate alleged breaches of planning control and ensure breaches of planning control are remedied. The function of the team are:

  1. The Development Management Enforcement service will:
    • Investigate alleged breaches of planning and advertisement control brought to the local planning authority’s attention. Some anonymous complaints will only be registered where the breach is extremely serious and/or can be readily detected.
    • Register new cases and send acknowledge of new case to complainants providing case officer details and case reference which can be used when calling for an update on the case
    • Seek to take formal action to halt works immediately on developments which cause demonstrable harm to amenity.
    • Work collaboratively with other RDC departments and other relevant authorities such as Essex County Council Place Services, Essex Highways, Environment Agency, Essex Police when appropriate.
  2. This service will be undertaking by:
    • Prioritising cases in accordance with the published criteria in the Enforcement Plan
    • Pursuing breaches of planning control to a satisfactory conclusion
    • Working collaboratively with the Council’s rangers in taking direct action against flyposting
    • Taking direct action where all formal option and actions have failed to remedy the breach of
      planning control
    • Retain confidentiality of complainants
  3. Rochford District Council has formulated this policy to guide the provision of its Planning Enforcement Service. It has been devised by taking into account:
    • National Planning Policy Framework 2019
    • The Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order England 2015 (as amended)
    • The Rochford District Council Development Plan
    • The ministerial statement on the Metropolitan Green Belt (August 2015 and upheld October 2018)
    • The need to protect and maintain the Metropolitan Green Belt, Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Conservation areas.
    • The need to achieve a balance between protecting amenity and other interests of acknowledged importance throughout the district, enabling acceptable development to take place.

This policy must be read in conjunction with the Planning Enforcement Plan 2019 or view hard copy by visiting the Council Offices on South Street, Rochford between 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and up to 4.30pm on Fridays.