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Partnership Panel Meeting Notes - 04/03/22

Attendees: Cllr R R Dray (Chairman), Cllr A H Eves (AE), Cllr D S Efde, Cllr D J Sperring (DS), Cllr J L Lawmon (JL), Cllr M J Steptoe (MS), Matt Harwood-White (MHW), Naomi Lucas (NL), Kirk Hardy (KH) (virtually)

Guests: Colin Taylor (CT), Cllr M G Wilkinson (MW)

Apologies: Cllr S E Wootton, Cllr Mrs J Lumley

Notes: Helen Lock

Duration: 10:00 to 12:19

Note 22/22

Notes of previous meeting/matters arising

The Notes of the meeting held on 18 February 2022 were agreed as an accurate record.

Note 23/22

Community Centre Workstream

CT provided a recap on previous sessions:

  • An analysis was presented that demonstrated the impact on and direct association between capacity, functionality and capital cost between a range of potential alternative solutions.

Each alternative was discussed in some depth, including:

  • the range and size of events that could be accommodated,
  • options for accommodating larger events,
  • the approximate build cost for each of the alternatives, and
  • the flexibility that the spaces could provide.

Cllr Sperring had spoken with Rayleigh Operatic & Dramatic Society (RODS) on an informal basis and provided feedback to the Panel. This confirmed RODS maximum seated capacity was 250 and that a flexible approach to provision of a stage was acceptable, this could include some raked seating which would negate the need for a stage and would be welcomed by RODS as this would remove the need to lift items onto a stage. A temporary stage was also a possible solution as this would ensure any future proposal would ensure the space was as flexible and efficient as possible.

There was a detailed discussion around the functionality of assessing what functions were required of the Mill site. Following a detailed discussion concerning the functionality and use of the facility there was consensus that the focus should be on a community centre that could provide flexible capability to host community events.


The following options for funding had been discussed previously:

  • Reserves
  • Borrowing
  • Raising council tax
  • Commercial income
  • Grant funding

NL provided a recap on the financial position set out in the Final Business Case agreed by Council previously. NL also provided a summary of the reserves the Council holds, setting out that these are in the main ringfenced for specific purposes as reported to Council on 22 February.

AE left the meeting at this point.

CT provided a recap on discussions:

  • The position paper should include the work completed to date regarding market research and setting out that this was an area that could be covered further in any future business case.
  • The presentation regarding potential costs and funding options provided a clear understanding of the issues.
  • Further community engagement was highlighted and it was stressed that this would be caried out in person.
  • The outputs of the meetings would be formulated into a Position paper and a draft would be presented at the next meeting for consideration

CT thanked the group for their engagement.


  • CT to prepare draft position paper for discussion at the next meeting.
  • CT to circulate draft position paper to PP members, prior to next meeting.

Note 24/22

Communication and engagement

The Position Paper will be drafted as per agenda item 23/22

Note 25/22

Items for next Partnership Board

  • None discussed

Note 26/22

Any Other Business

There was none.